CIA Released 930K Classified Documents About MKUltra and UFOs

The CIA officially released 930,000 classified documents online, some of which pertain to UFOs, the MK-Ultra program and tons of other questionable things.

In 2014, the nonprofit news outlet MuckRack filed a lawsuit seeking access to over 930,000 CIA documents that had been previously classified.

Although these documents were officially declassified in 1999, they remained largely inaccessible, available only on a few computers in a back room of the National Archives in Maryland, and only during limited hours from 9 AM to 4:30 PM.

Two years later, the CIA made the now-digitized collection, which includes more than 12 million pages, publicly available on the “Reading Room” section of its website.

The extensive collection includes a wide range of materials such as reports, news articles, letters, foreign translations, and more, dating back to the 1940s.

The documents cover a broad spectrum of topics, including UFO sightings and MKUltra, the notorious government-run mind control program.